Chinchilla District Map
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Economic performance of Chinchilla District can be measured using 10 headline indicators (or (EPIs)
collapsed expanded Population
7,804 persons (2015)
EPI 1: Population growth
Measured by the annual % change in estimated resident population
Population Growth
Population Annual growth Average annual
2015 2014-15 2010-15
Chinchilla District 7,804 1.7% 2.7%
Western Downs 33,799 0.5% 1.4%
Queensland 4,778,854 1.2% 1.6%
Australia 23,777,777 1.4% 1.5%
Source: ABS
Population Growth
collapsed expanded Gross Regional Product
$1.0 billion (2014/15)
EPI 2: Economic growth
Measured by annual change in real Gross Regional Product
EPI 3: GRP per capita
Measured by the total GRP divided by the resident population
Gross Regional Product
GRP ($M) Annual growth GRP per capita ($)
2014/15 2013/14-2014/15 2014/15
Chinchilla District 1,027.7 -18.2% 123,478
Western Downs 3,204.8 -11.0% 91,130
Queensland 296,235.0 2.2% 63,584
Australia 1,583,557.0 1.6% 68,978
Source: ABS, DEEWR, Lawrence Consulting
GRP per capita
collapsed expanded Labour Market
4,055 employed persons (Mar Qtr 2016)
EPI 4: Employment growth
Measured by the annual change in employed persons (residents)
EPI 5: Unemployment rate
Measured by total unemployed persons as % of labour force
Labour Market
Employed persons Annual growth Unemployment rate
Mar Qtr 2016 yr to Mar Qtr 2016 Mar Qtr 2016
Chinchilla District 4,055 -2.3% 3.8%
Western Downs 16,769 -1.7% 4.4%
Queensland 2,356,413 1.3% 6.2%
Australia 11,809,846 2.0% 6.0%
Source: DEEWR, Lawrence Consulting
Unemployment Rate
collapsed expanded Productivity
$77.74 value added/hr worked (2014/15)
EPI 6: Productivity
Measures the efficiency of production within a region by dividing the total value added/GRP by employee hours worked (i.e. labour productivity)
Productivity level Annual change ($) Annual growth (%)
2014/15 2013/14-2014/15 2013/14-2014/15
Chinchilla District $77.74 -$1.81 -2.3%
Western Downs $69.80 -$2.44 -3.4%
Queensland $62.92 -$0.10 -0.2%
Australia $81.55 $1.10 1.4%
Source: ABS, Lawrence Consulting
Labour Productivity
collapsed expanded Economic Diversity
0.212 (2011)
EPI 7: Index of Economic Diversity
Measures economic diversity within a region by determining the degree to which the region’s industry mix differs from that of the nation. When the index value is close to one, the industrial profile of a region mirrors that of the national economy and is considered more diverse
Economic Diversity
Index value Index value
(Australia = 1.000) (Queensland = 1.000)
Chinchilla District 0.212 0.237
Western Downs 0.331 0.374
Queensland 0.980 1.000
Australia 1.000 -
Source: ABS
Index of Economic Diversity
collapsed expanded Building Activity
4 dwelling approvals (yr to Mar Qtr 2016)
EPI 8: Growth in dwelling approvals
Measured by annual % change in total dwelling approvals
Building Activity
Dwelling approvals Annual growth Value of non-residential approvals ($'000) Annual growth
yr to Mar Qtr 2016 yr to Mar Qtr 2016 yr to Mar Qtr 2016 yr to Mar Qtr 2016
Chinchilla District 4 -94.9% 452 -97.3%
Western Downs 40 -82.1% 27,751 -75.3%
Queensland 46,306 11.9% 6,284,207 21.9%
Australia 219,315 6.1% 29,733,685 -0.8%
Source: ABS
Dwelling Approvals
collapsed expanded Business Numbers
1,131 businesses (June 2015)
EPI 9: Average business turnover
Measured by the average turnover of entities whose registered place of business for GST is within the region
Local Business Turnover
Business count Annual growth Estimated local business turnover ($M) Average business turnover ($'000)
June 2015 yr to June 2015 2014/15 2014/15
Chinchilla District 1,131 1.8% 465 411.2
Western Downs 4,916 0.2% 2,210 449.5
Queensland 410,847 0.2% 172,521 419.9
Australia 2,095,698 1.2% 884,887 422.2
Source: ABS, Lawrence Consulting
Average Business Turnover
collapsed expanded Income
$33,835 per capita (2012/13)
EPI 10: Per capita income
Measured by total income based on ATO returns divided by estimated resident population
Personal Income
Per capita income Annual growth Average annual growth
2012/13 2011/12-2012/13 2007/08-2012/13
Chinchilla District $33,835 18.8% 12.2%
Western Downs $27,423 12.5% 6.8%
Queensland $30,596 6.3% 4.1%
Australia $31,968 5.1% 4.1%
Source: ABS, Lawrence Consulting
Per capita income
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