Toowoomba Map
Economic performance of a region can be measured using 10 headline indicators (or EPIs):
collapsed expanded Population
161,970 persons (2014)
EPI 1: Population growth
Measured by the annual % change in estimated resident population
Population Growth
Annual change (+/-) Annual % change Trend Average annual growth Annual growth vs 5yr avg
2014 1 year ago 2013-14 2013-14 2009-14
Toowoomba 161,970 160,159 +1,811 1.1% trend down 1.2% Average
Toowoomba and Surat Basin 209,485 207,349 +2,136 1.0% trend down 1.3% Weak
Queensland 4,722,447 4,651,912 +70,535 1.5% trend down 1.8% Weak
Australia 23,490,736 23,125,868 +364,868 1.6% trend down 1.6% Average
Source: ABS
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Population change, 2013-14 (+/-) +1,811 star star star star star
Population growth, 2013-14 (%) 1.1% star star star half star
Average annual population growth, 2009-14 (%) 1.2% star star star half star
collapsed expanded Gross Regional Product
$9.3 billion (2013/14)
EPI 2: Economic growth
Measured by annual change in real Gross Regional Product
EPI 3: GRP per capita
Measured by the total GRP divided by the resident population
Gross Regional Product
GRP ($M) Annual growth Trend Average annual growth Annual growth vs 5yr avg GRP per capita ($) Annual growth
2013/14 2012/13-2013/14 last 5yrs 2013/14 2012/13-2013/14
Toowoomba 9,255.4 0.6% trend down 1.7% Underperform 57,601 -0.9%
Toowoomba and Surat Basin 14,018.4 3.2% trend down 3.1% Underperform 67,257 1.6%
Queensland 296,235.0 2.3% trend down 2.5% Average 63,361 0.4%
Australia 1,583,557.0 2.5% trend no change 2.6% Outperform 67,415 0.7%
Source: ABS, DEEWR, Lawrence Consulting
GRP per capita
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Annual GRP growth, 2012/13-2013/14 (%) 0.6% star star
Average annual GRP growth, last 5 years (%) 1.7% star star half star
GRP per capita, 2013/14 ($) $57,601 star star star
Annual GRP per capita growth, 2012/13-2013/14 (%) -0.9% star half star
collapsed expanded Labour Market
72,470 employed persons (Jun Qtr 2015)
EPI 4: Employment growth
Measured by the annual change in employed persons (residents)
EPI 5: Unemployment rate
Measured by total unemployed persons as % of labour force
Labour Market
Employed persons Annual change (+/-) Annual growth Trend Unemployment rate Trend Current rate vs 5yr avg
Jun Qtr 2015 yr to Jun Qtr 2015 Jun Qtr 2015 Jun Qtr 2015
Toowoomba 72,470 -3,598 -4.7% trend down 5.0% trend up Underperform
Toowoomba and Surat Basin 97,323 -5,474 -5.3% trend down 4.5% trend up Strong
Queensland 2,332,008 +12,006 0.5% trend down 6.5% trend no change Weak
Australia 11,671,495 +173,284 1.5% trend up 6.1% trend no change Weak
Source: DEEWR, Lawrence Consulting
Unemployment Rate
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Annual change in employed persons, yr to Jun Qtr 2015 (+/-) -3,598 half star
Annual growth in employed persons, Jun Qtr 2015 (%) -4.7% half star
Unemployment rate, Jun Qtr 2015 (%) 5.0% star star star
collapsed expanded Productivity
$60.02 value added/hr worked (2013/14)
EPI 6: Productivity
Measures the efficiency of production within a region by dividing the total value added/GRP by employee hours worked (i.e. labour productivity)
Productivity level Productivity level Annual change ($+/-) Annual growth (%) Trend
2013/14 1 yr ago 2012/13-2013/14 2012/13-2013/14
Toowoomba $60.02 $59.56 +$0.46 0.8% trend down
Toowoomba and Surat Basin $63.06 $62.04 +$1.02 1.6% trend down
Queensland $62.19 $61.62 +$0.56 0.9% trend down
Australia $79.05 $77.58 +$1.47 1.9% trend up
Source: ABS, Lawrence Consulting
Labour Productivity
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Labour Productivity, 2013/14 ($value added/hr worked) $60.02 star star star
Annual productivity growth, 2012/13-2013/14 (%) 0.8% star star half star
collapsed expanded Economic Diversity
0.897 (2011)
EPI 7: Index of Economic Diversity
Measures economic diversity within a region by determining the degree to which the region’s industry mix differs from that of the nation. When the index value is close to one, the industrial profile of a region mirrors that of the national economy and is considered more diverse
Economic Diversity
Index value Index value
(Australia = 1.000) (State = 1.000)
Toowoomba 0.844 0.897
Toowoomba and Surat Basin 0.737 0.776
Queensland 0.980 1.000
Australia 1.000 -
Source: ABS
Index of Economic Diversity
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Index of Economic Diversity, 2011 (Australia = 1.000) 0.844 star star star star star
collapsed expanded Building Activity
1,338 dwelling approvals (yr to Jun Qtr 2015)
EPI 8: Growth in dwelling approvals
Measured by annual % change in total dwelling approvals
Building Activity
Dwelling approvals Value of non-residential approvals
Level Annual growth Trend Annual growth vs 5yr avg Level
Annual growth Trend
yr to Jun Qtr 2015 yr to Jun Qtr 2015 yr to Jun Qtr 2015 yr to Jun Qtr 2015
Toowoomba 1,338 0.5% trend down Outperform 281,119 56.4% trend down
Toowoomba and Surat Basin 1,528 -19.9% trend down Outperform 375,838 43.5% trend down
Queensland 43,131 15.5% trend down Underperform 5,453,519 -12.3% trend down
Australia 213,616 14.0% trend down Underperform 28,854,201 -17.3% trend down
Source: ABS
Dwelling Approvals
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Dwelling approvals, yr to Jun Qtr 2015 (no.) 1,338 star star star star star
Annual growth in dwelling approvals, yr to Jun Qtr 2015 (%) 0.5% star star star
Value of non-residential approvals, yr to Jun Qtr 2015 ($’000) 281,119 star star star star star
Annual growth in non-residential approvals, yr to Jun Qtr 2015 (%) 56.4% star star star star
collapsed expanded Business Numbers
14,639 businesses (June 2014)
EPI 9: Average business turnover
Measured by the average turnover of entities whose registered place of business for GST is within the region
Local Business Turnover
Business count Annual growth Estimated local business turnover ($M) Annual growth Average business turnover ($'000) Trend
June 2014 yr to June 2014 2013/14 2012/13-2013/14 2013/14
Toowoomba 14,639 2.1% 6,048.4 5.3% 413.2 trend up
Toowoomba and Surat Basin 22,117 2.4% 9,366.9 5.0% 423.5 trend up
Queensland 409,936 0.8% 168,280.3 1.8% 410.5 trend up
Australia 2,070,189 1.2% 847,339.9 2.2% 409.3 trend up
Source: ABS, Lawrence Consulting
Average Business Turnover
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Local businesses, June 2014 (no.) 14,639 star star star star star
Annual growth, yr to June 2014 (%) 2.1% star star star star
Average business turnover, 2013/14 ($) $413,175 star star half star
collapsed expanded Income
$23,440 per capita (2010/11)
EPI 10: Per capita income
Measured by total income based on ATO returns divided by estimated resident population
Personal Income
Per capita income Average wage
Level Annual growth Trend Average annual growth Annual growth vs 5yr avg Level Annual growth
2010/11 2009/10-2010/11 2005/06-2010/11 2010/11 2009/10-2010/11
Toowoomba $23,440 6.0% trend up 4.5% Average 45,094 4.8%
Toowoomba and Surat Basin $23,516 8.3% trend up 4.7% Outperform 45,027 5.1%
Queensland $27,090 7.1% trend up 5.0% Average 49,865 6.0%
Australia $28,957 8.5% trend up 5.0% Strong 51,923 6.2%
Source: ABS, Lawrence Consulting
Per capita income
LGA Performance Ratings info
Level Rating
Per capita income, 2010/11 ($) $23,440 star star half star
Annual growth, 2009/10-2010/11 (%) 6.0% star
Average annual growth, last 5 years (%) 4.5% star half star
Average wage, 2010/11 ($) $45,094 star star star
Click on arrow to expand. Hover over data points in interactive graphs for actual values.
LGA Performance Ratings info
Period Level Rating
EPI 1: Population growth 2014 1.1% star star star half star
EPI 2: Economic growth 2013/14 0.6% star star
EPI 3: GRP per capita 2013/14 $57,601 star star star
EPI 4: Employment growth yr to Jun Qtr 2015 -4.7% half star
EPI 5: Unemployment rate Jun Qtr 2015 5.0% star star star
EPI 6: Productivity level 2013/14 $60.02 star star star
EPI 7: Index of Economic Diversity 2011 0.844 star star star star star
EPI 8: Growth in dwelling approvals yr to Jun Qtr 2015 0.5% star star star
EPI 9: Average business turnover 2013/14 $413,175 star star half star
EPI 10: Per capita income 2010/11 $23,440 star star half star
Average performance rating star star star

LGA Performance Ratings are exclusively compiled by Lawrence Consulting and measure the comparative performance of a local government area against the 558 LGAs within Australia.

The ratings use a 5-star scale, where one star is equivalent to the 20th percentile (i.e. within the lower 20 percent of LGAs for a single measure)